Tuesday 27 June 2017

Anonymous Hackers claims, NASA can reveal sensational linkages with Aliens!

International hacking group anonymous claims NASA Announce About Aliens
International hacking group anonymous claims NASA Announce About Aliens

Nasa is soon going to make a big announcement to the Aliens. International hacking group Anonymous claims that the US space agency NASA has said could soon disclosed by taking the existence of Aliens.
Also Read: How to hack a Wi-Fi network?
Anonymous also mentioned this on their website. Anonymous said that the basis of these claims is the key find of NASA. A NASA spokesman had given some hints associated with the discovery of the Aliens in April. Professor Thomas Jurbgn told the Congress that began a few days NASA hand Aliens the important information at hand. He also said that NASA is very close to finding important evidence related to the existence of aliens.

Anonymous has posted video

Anonymous has also posted a video on this topic. In which the comments made by people on the discoveries and information related to the universe have been included. Anonymous has written that there is definitely a lot of information in NASA's mission for the search of aliens.

Thanks and stay blessed!

Friday 23 June 2017

PayTM got banned from Apple App Store

PayTM Wallet

PayTM, India's largest mobile wallet app disappeared from the Apple app store owing to a bug that was reported. Both the iPhone and iPad app had bugs and therefore had to be taken down.

Honestly, this bug sends a chill through my spines! I have over Rs 2000 in my PayTM wallet right now and with the PayTM's policy that they aren't responsible for any lost of cash due to any circumstances, it is high time to move out and use other means of payment. Oh wait.. there's no other way but PayTM 

I haven't had cash since November first week and have been using Cards, PayTM and Internet Banking for everything and notably paying more than I should. For a Rs 180/kg chicken, I had to pay Rs 320/kg online a couple of times. The local chicken shop doesn't accept online mode of payment and he never will. I had to pay 2% extra to buy a mobile from a local store using my card. Thanks to transaction charges and the list goes on. 

So much for going cashless; everything will become expensive as transaction rate ranges from 2-5%.

Last week, I was in CP and had no cash. My battery died. It took almost an hour to find a charging outlet for my iPhone and book a cab to go home. Many times, I have had to walk away after ordering food because PayTM didn't work and there's no other mode of payment. It reminds me of the good old IRCTC days.

When multi million dollar funded company like PayTM can have bugs; what is the probability that someone would hack into it and withdraw the money is anyone's guess.

Note: By the way again PayTM team worked and eliminated the bug and successfully got restored on iTunes store. (Source: http://iitian.me/blog/paytm-shockingly-disappears-from-apple-app-store)

Thursday 8 June 2017

What can you do in two minutes that can change your life? - Effective & Helpful

Say Sorry,

Yes you read it right. Say SORRY to a person, whom you have hurt in past. Most of the people take years, but believe me it takes only 2 mins.

You can take 2 minutes of your time to thank God, parents, well wishes and everyone in this world who supported you to survive in this world & come to the stage you are today.

Do it now.

Thursday 25 May 2017

Top 10 SEO settings for websites or blogs

we have taken the liberty to summarize the top 10 most important points for you.
Top 10 SEO settings from Google

In an effort to promote good SEO practices, which will be beneficial to the real people, Google has provided very useful information for website owners. Is a comprehensive resource that is a comprehensive search engine optimization starter guide. Since it is too long, we have taken the liberty to summarize the top 10 most important points for you.

1. Create page title that:

  • Describe the page content accurately.
  • Unique by page.
  • are short but descriptive

2. Use the "descriptive" meta tag

The description meta tag summarizes Google and other search engines about each page. This content is generally not used for ranking purposes, but it is still important because it is usually a descriptive snippet of your site Is displayed in the search results.

It's important for:

1. Summarize the contents of the page correctly.
2. Use unique details for each page.
3.Invite or entice the online job seeker to see the page.

3. Improving the structure of your URL

Clear, readable URL search engines help you understand the context of your page. They help real people make decisions about the content of the page, and whether it is what they are looking for or not.

Make sure your URL:

• Related to Page Content
• Keywords (such as job title) are included in
• Short (better for a long time)
• Easy to read (i.e. proper sentence structure).
• Create a simple directory structure
• Skip dynamic parameters when possible (like "type = blog and id = 44").

4. Make it easy to navigate your site

Navigation to search engines is very important, through pages in the hierarchy, a straightforward hierarchy and clear internal links will make it easy for both search engines and users to find their content.
  1. Allow users to easily backtrack them by providing 'breadcrumb lists' (like "Home> Resource> Articles> Blog").
  2. Allow the possibility of extracting part of the URL (such as mycompany.com/jobs/atlanta/softwarejob1 for use- if you remove the last piece, the result is a real page on mycompany.com/jobs/atlanta Should return / - with that page will list all jobs in Atlanta)
  3. Prepare two sitemaps: one for the user, and one for the search engine.
  4. Create a naturally flowing hierarchy
  5. Use mostly text for navigation; Avoid image links or complex JavaScript menus

5. Offer quality content

When they provide quality content, search engines like Google Rank sites are better. Estimate the differences between the understanding of online users of your subject, and provide unique, unique content. For career sites, it may include details of employment and work environment, culture, etc.

The material is considered high quality when it is:
  • Exclusive (like does not copy content from other sites)
  • Useful and informative (think 5 W, answer questions)
  • More valuable and useful than other sites (look at competitors)
  • Reliable (e.g., testimonials)
  • Engagement (such as Pictures, Widgets, Interactive FEATURES)
  • Error-free (spelling, grammar)

6. Write better anchor text

Anchor text is a link readable text, as it appears on a page, such as "Look at our available jobs." The appropriate anchor text makes it easy to express what the content is connected to.

1. Choose descriptive text - Do not use "click here".
2. Collapse
3. Format the format anchor so that they can be easily searchable (i.e. underline them and make font blue)
4. Think also about anchor text for internal links.
For example: If you have a list of open jobs, which should be the title of each open job, each link on the job description page, anchor text should ideally be.

7. Optimize your use of images

You can provide image-related information using the "alt" attribute in HTML.

1. Use concise but descriptive file names and optional text.
2. While using images in the form of the link, make alternate text.
3. Explain an image sitemap file.
8. Use appropriate title tags

Use the title tag to emphasize important lessons. The title tags are: <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, etc. They are used to indicate headers and sub-headers on the page, and to establish a clear hierarchy. This is different from the HTML <head> tag, which is included at the top of each HTML document

Your <h1> is the most important header or statement on the web page. Everything on the page should be related to <h1> your <h2> is your second most important description, and so on. Think of it as an outline of an essay. What is the essay about it, and then what is the paragraph about it?

On the job page, the title of the job will usually be referred to as <h1> This emphasizes the title of the candidate as well as the search engine on the page. After this, each separate section <h2> tag, such as "job duties and responsibilities" or "necessary experience" will be found within the job page.

Note: Remember that sentences are not titles, so they should not get the top tag.

Thanks and stay blessed!

Wednesday 17 May 2017

How to get an AdSense account approved faster?

Google AdSense! One of the most easiest, trusted and professional way of earning money by showing your passion towards writing and sharing the knowledge. Google AdSense is trusted by many advertisers and publishers from the past few years, and usually they never accept anyone randomly who is trying to apply for an account. You need to show them the most professional approach of getting your account accepted, else Google will simply throw your application aside.
Statistics say that Google AdSense accepts only 3 accounts of every 1000 applications they receive each day. If you are trying to get onto the account or has been rejected earlier, follow these simple guidelines to get your own AdSense account in just 3 simple days. Though these below tips won’t get you the account approved instantly, but will surely work if you try inheriting each step mentioned below. I’m sure it worked for 60% of people who commented here and mailed me from the past couple of years.
Get Google AdSense Approval Within 3 Days:
So before getting started, make sure you follow these guidelines without fail, else your application will be rejected without any further pending approval. Remember that everything which I mentioned below counts. Don’t compromise on number of posts, own domain, good design and other metrics, else the chances of rejection is higher at your end. So here we go, the 15 most important guidelines to follow before applying to Google AdSense.
Minimum Posts/Articles/Pages:
If you are using WordPress, make sure your website/blog has at least 40 quality articles which are not copied from anywhere else. Your content on the articles should be extremely rich and make sure you use relevant images where ever required. Try to include two lengthy articles of 2000 words each, which should be absolutely stunning while anyone reads them on your website. If you are using HTML website or any other non CMS version of blog, make sure you have atleast 50 pages on your website in form or articles or landing pages.
If you miss providing this any of the above information on your website, Google might reject your application saying Insufficient Content or Unacceptable Site Content. So make sure they see enough content on your website before applying the program. The more the content, the better chances of approval.
Prohibited Website Niches:
Statistics show that your account will go through a faster approval process if you have more quality articles on Health, Internet Marketing, Business, Law, Technology, Entrepreneurship, Travel, Lifestyle and Social Media. Google will take your application as a serious offense if your website contain any of the prohibited content mentioned in this link here.
Some studies have also proved that Google AdSense might reject your approval if your website is on event blogging and micro niche blogging. In this particular blogging, you limit your blog content to only one particular subject and create a spam domain around it to rank higher. Eg: http://www.mayweathervspacquiaom... (Mayweather vs Pacquiao Match Online). In some cases, if you have observed Google Ads in these of websites, probably they have applied the account through an another account and placed the ads in this event niche blogging to earn quick money.
No Third Party Ads or Programs:
Before applying to AdSense, make sure you don’t allow or place any other third party banner ad code on your website. Google (employees) will strictly look into your website manually and they hate seeing some third party ads installed in your website. Stay away from Infolinks, Chitika, Yahoo Ads or any other third party network to get the first impression clean on your website. Make sure you put only the fresh content and some regular widgets on the website.
Also, stay away from affiliate links such as hosting programs, Amazon affiliates, Clickbank or anyother until your account is approved.
Website Design and User Experience:
Google always want their users to get the best experience while browsing through any website they refer. Maintaining a clean design with good navigation and user experience will boost your chances of getting AdSense approved in the first attempt itself. This is one of the major guidelines where lot of people miss the basics. Google believes that if you maintain professional color scheme on your website, the user might be willing to come back and click on the relevant ads which are displayed under your content.
So make sure you maintain a neat and clean design before applying to AdSense. I would recommend you to buy one professional template anywhere and get it installed on your website without effecting the loading speed or easy navigation.
Google Analytics Code:
Adding Google Analytics code on your website is a trusted factor for the approval. Adding Analytics onto your website show that you are actively tracking your visitors and is much serious about the statistics of your users who visit your website. If you haven’t created one, click here to register the program. Once registered, get your tracking code by creating new account under the accounts tab and enter your website name, URL and other required details. Place the code on each page of your website to track the data instantly.
Google/Bing Webmasters Verification Page:
Just like Google Analytics, you need to even verify with Google Webmaster program, which has the complete access to your website in search perspective. With Google Webmaster Tools, you can track your website critical errors and fix them on a daily basis. Click here to register and click on “Add a Site” to enter your website URL. Verify your website ownership through any of the recommended method and complete the process to keep your account functioning actively.
Also, adding the Bing Webmaster Tools to your website will add more credibility to your domain that you are serious about the website search visibility. Though this guideline is pretty easy to perform, many people will get comfortable without knowing the importance of installing these tools.
Adding these two verifications on your website code or server will show good results on search visibility as well.
XML Sitemap Page:
Creating a sitemap doesn’t take too much of your time. If you are using WordPress, I recommend Google XML Sitemaps By Arne Brachhold. And if you are using any other platform, I recommend you to checkout XML-Sitemaps website for more info. Installing a sitemap on your website can help search engine bots to index your website faster, which is again a trust factor to bots about the website trustworthiness.
Creating Robots.txt file on your website will get rid of indexing unwanted junk onto Google. I have written a detailed post few days back on how to write perfect robots.txt for your website. Else you can also check Search Engine Techniques by an SEO Expert From India own robots.txt file and simply copy it to your WordPress website. I have restricted all the unwanted data indexation to search engines, which adds a lot of value to your SEO efforts of ranking the pages higher on Google. Plus, robots.txt file is another great feature to add it your website as a trust factor.
Alexa Rank:
Google AdSense considering the Alexa rank has always been a controversy, as many people disagree that Google doesn’t care about your global rankings. Trust me, I strongly believe that this is one of the most important checklist any manual operator checks before even opening your website statistics. How can anyone quickly judge about a website performance? The answer is simple, and its Alexa ranking. So make sure you install the Alexa toolbar and read my eBook on how to boost Alexa ranking within 30days.
Note: Before applying to AdSense, make sure your website global Alexa ranking is less than 400K for faster approval process. Usually the website above this rank is considered to be new and underestimated that no much data is seen on them.
Important Pages:
Google wants to know your identity before you signup to their AdSense program. So make sure your create the following pages on your website as soon as possible.
  1. Privacy Policy
  2. Disclaimer Policy
  3. Terms of Usage
  4. Contact Us
  5. About Us (Write your name and address through which you applied the AdSense account)
In the about us section, clearly mention who you are, and why is this website made for, what is the benefit people get out of your website. The more clear, the better the chances of your approval. Keep your spelling mistakes, grammar and punctuation clear when you do this.
Custom Domain and Email ID:
A lot of people get create websites through blogspot and free WordPress platforms to apply AdSense. Note that AdSense team will take a custom domain more seriously rather than the free domain name. Investing 2$ on a domain name is not a big deal when you have health chances of getting approval with other factors like mentioned above. So don’t give yourself a second chance to apply the AdSense program and get your own domain as early as possible.
Once you have your own domain, create an email ID with your name (name@website.com) to apply the AdSense program. Eg: info@bscitbooks.comwill get more attention compared to bscitbooks0@gmail.com. Note that your free website programs give you the privilege or adding your custom domains without paying any additional fee.
Decent Traffic:
Though a lot of portals, forums mention that Google AdSense doesn’t require any certain amount of pageviews to approve your account, I still feel and experienced the treatment if you have a decent traffic. Let your blog age a few weeks (atleast 2 months) before you rush to apply the AdSense program. I would always recommend you to stay until your website get a minimum of 50+ visitors per day. If your website is not getting enough traffic, the chances of rejection is much higher when compared to other guidelines.
Once your website is ready with all these above guidelines, click here to apply to Adsense, and make sure you have gone through the Google AdSense TOC for more information on the program.
Leave your comments to check if your doing good with the process. And if your AdSense was rejected despite of following all these above mentioned guidelines, shoot me a mail to info@bscitbooks.com and I will help you out with a free AdSense consultation. Stay tuned to my profile for more such interesting topics!
Also, I have made a step by step video guide on how to apply Adsense if you are looking for more information. Check out the below video and let us know if you still have trouble in getting your account approved.
For more : Inspire Space

Wednesday 3 May 2017

How to get a free mobile number and email for online verifications?

Inspire Space
How to get free mobile number

Hello, welcome once again, in this post I came with wonderful post "how to get a free phone number for online verification's like Facebook, gmail, whatsapp and so. 
Read AlsoHow to hack a Wi-Fi network?

So, one of the most popular website AirMail is a free temporary email service, which gives you a feature to create a free email adderess without any verification. It gives a random email address which you can use when registering to new websites or test-driving untrusted services that are ot secure and you think it could mislead you. 
All emails received by AirMail servers are displayed automatically in your online browser inbox whenever you get any new mail on that random address. 
It automatically update your inbox in every 6-7 seconds so no need t update it or refresh it manually.
Read AlsoHow to delete a message after sending?

So let's follow the steps to get a temporary email.

  • Go to Airmail.com on your web browser, make sure you have a working internet connection.
  • Done, you got a random mail.
  • If you would like to store the mails please bookmark the page.
Now let's get a free phone number, follow the below steps.
  • Download "TEXTME" app from the official playstore from any smart phone or computer.
  • Install it and open the application.
  • Now create a account with temporary email which you have created using AIRMAIL.
  • Once account created then loggen In.
  • Now you will get a free phone number by just entering an area code.
You're done now. Enjoy!!!
If you find this page helpful please subscribe us to get more free update directly to your inbox.

Thursday 20 April 2017

How to Access Blocked Sites Without a Proxy - Easiest Way

Welcome once again at Inspire Space, a free Indian technology and security news updates.
As recently we are shocked because government has been blocked many sites and I got many email to share easiest way to surf that sites without any security major problems.

So I'm going to share a standalone and a  useful and easiest way to watch and access blocked sites without any kind of proxy and setup. Just you need to follow some of our steps and then you would be able to enjoy magics of internet.
Cyber Ghost
Step 1 - First of all goto CyberGhost VPN official site and then you have to download setup file(Link is also given below to download setup file), don't worry it's simple and don't required any complicated setup process.

Download setup from below link-


Step 2 - After downloading setup file from official site, install it, probably it will takes few minutes of time for a proper installation.
Step 3 - Once your setup finished directly goto www.cyberghostvpn.com and create a free account, it's only to confirm your account type, it will never ask to login each and every time.
Step 4 - After above steps and process start Cyber Ghost and wait until it connects to its servers.

After successful connectivity, enjoy full internet without any limitation.


How Cyber Ghost or Other VPN Works To Unblock Sites?

Intresting, VPN means Virtual Private Network as definition it gives you components to surf private, secretly and access blocked or blue-pencilled substance. It offers first rate security and obscurity without being confused to utilize or easing off your web association.

VPN route your connection to their own data center means if your current location is India after connecting your connection route some where else and that's reason you can able to access blocked site.

Good and Bad with Cyber Ghost VPN -

Cyber Ghost awesome as my review and also perfect for free users.Each connection stable for 3 hours without disconnected.Better speed and no capping like proxy and other VPN.Anonymous and hide your privacy till usesMost trusted and secure featured on top site like TechCrunch, The New York Times etc.Easiest Way To Watch Blocked Sites Without Proxy

Why you should use VPN if you don't want to see blocked site ?
If you are using Wi-fi or shared network and connection bypass using any router then it confirms your privacy depends on your service provider. Your each internet access going through your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and every privacy depend on them.

Using VPN your connection routed and your ISP can't able to see what you are watching. It works like above image.

Important- Being anonymous is good but only for good reason, so I'm sure you are not going to any misuse this useful tutorial. If this helped you take a second to like and share.

Thanks and stay blessed!